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It's the overview of my more recent works, or at least, the ones that depicts styles that I’m interested to push and develop further… as you will see, some are quite different than others.

David Peros Bonnot - portfolio




David Peros Bonnot - portfolio

I've been doing illustrations professionally even before this century begun. I illustrated different thematic for various clients, and therefore tried different styles over the years. You can surf through this not so recent stuff on this link

The "MAKING OF" - Exhibition Catalogue
David Peros Bonnot - Catalogue

"Making of" was an exhibition of mine that was held in summer of 2006. It was about my involvement with production design and similar works, and most of it is included in accompanying catalogue. You can check it out here

"FILOZIRKA" - website
Filozirka - site

"Filozirka” is my official business site. It contains information about all other works besides illustrations. There are updates on various new entries that weren’t  comprised within the “Making of” exhibition catalogue, for a simple reason that those weren’t existed yet. Here's Filozirka’s homepage

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